Join Us for our annual EmpoweRun/Walk and Wine, Women and Shoes taking place May 2025

Mission and Vision

A Safe Place provides supportive services to Survivors of Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking, empowering them to rebuild their lives and overcome the challenges they face after these experiences.


A Safe Place is the leading advocate for eliminating domestic violence & human trafficking in northern Illinois.


We will lead the nation in breaking the cycle of violence, thus creating safe and healthy communities.


A Safe Place provides a 24-hour crisis line, case management, legal advocacy, emergency shelter, individual and group therapy, art therapy, affordable transitional and permanent housing, scattered site housing, outreach and supportive services to survivors of domestic violence & human trafficking and their children, mentoring for adolescent boys, supervised custody exchanges, supervised family visitations, education for teens on healthy relationships, community and professional education, and intervention services for abusers to learn accountability for their choices and actions. Our mission-focused work is guided by our philosophy.

A Safe Place is Built on These Core Beliefs

  • Everyone deserves the right to live a life free from violence, in safety, and with good health
  • Domestic violence is a crime as defined by the Illinois Domestic Violence Act.
  • Eliminating gender stereotypes paves the way for a society that values every individual equally.
  • Violence in intimate relationships is a deliberate choice to exert power and control over another person.
  • Violence can be a learned behavior, but through intervention and treatment, individuals can also learn alternative, non-abusive behaviors.
  • Children from violent homes endure trauma and suffer psychological, physical, emotional, and social harm. A Safe Place recognizes child witnesses as primary victims of domestic violence.
  • Early intervention, prevention education, and awareness programs on domestic violence and human trafficking can break the intergenerational cycle of violence and reduce the social acceptance of these issues.
  • Survivors of domestic violence often face trauma, low self-esteem, and limited resources, which keep them trapped in abusive relationships. With access to safety, counseling, and supportive services, they can heal, regain empowerment, and choose to live free from violence.
  • A Safe Place must address domestic violence and human trafficking at local, state, and national levels. Legislative action and strong responses from police, prosecutors, and judges are essential to eliminating domestic violence.
  • Everyone in our community must become more aware of how to prevent and intervene in domestic violence and human trafficking and be less tolerant of these issues. Our society must hold individuals accountable for abusive behavior. A Safe Place is committed to creating a community where violence is neither tolerated nor hidden.

A Safe Place is a recognized 501(c)3 listed under Lake County Crisis Center for the Prevention & Treatment of Domestic Violence Inc.


For more information, please contact our office
(847) 731-7165

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