It can be frustrating to see someone you care about be hurt and abused in a relationship. Please remember the following when attempting to help:
- Be there; just listen
- Don’t pressure to break up; this may drive them away from you
- Tell them it is not their fault
- Encourage them to get help; offer to go with them to see a counselor
- Offer to share written information on relationship abuse with them
- Don’t blame them by saying: “You’re stupid to stay with them” or “Why do you let them treat you like this?”
- BE SUPPORTIVE no matter what they decide to do
- Call the police if you witness physical violence
On average, victims will try to leave the relationship 7 times before they are successful. Each time they try; do your best to make it a positive, empowering experience.
You may also have friends that are behaving abusively toward their partners. Here are some things to remember when attempting to help.
- Tell them their behavior is NOT COOL; talk to them about the consequences of their decisions
- Don’t laugh or make light of abusive behavior
- Encourage them to get help; offer to go with them to see a counselor
- Be supportive of their partner; tell them no one deserves to be abused
- Get written information to share with them about abusive behavior
- Be a role model for healthy relationships by treating your partner and friends with respect