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Teen Resources

Early intervention, prevention education, and domestic violence education can interrupt the intergenerational cycle of violence. Interactive classroom programs offered by A Safe Place’s prevention education staff educate teenage youth about the underlying dynamics of teen dating violence and how to help.

A Safe Place provides these services specifically for teenage victim/survivors:

  • 24-Hour Confidential Help Line, where teens can call to ask questions, get advice, and seek supportive services:  847-249-4450 or 1-800-600-SAFE
  • Teen survivors 17 and under can receive ten, 45-minute sessions of counseling without parental consent; after ten sessions, continued counseling can occur with parental consent. These sessions are free of charge
  • Orders of Protection are available for bullying, stalking, and violence at our office, D-100, at the Lake County Courthouse, 18 N. County St., Waukegan, IL. Ages 16 and under need a parent/guardian present with them; ages 17 and over can file a petition without parental consent.

Other resources for teens:

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline

See it and Stop it – Relationship Abuse

D’Amore Mental Health – Teen Dating Violence Awareness

American Pregnancy Helpline

National Suicide Hotline
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center

RAINN – Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

Child Help USA-National Child Abuse Hotline

National Center for Victims of Crime Helpline

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