a safe place, Unmask the Violence Gala, will be taking place on saturday, october 19th. click for more information!

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence happens when one partner attempts to gain power and control over the other using various forms of abuse. These unhealthy relationships can include physical, emotional/psychological, verbal, economic, and/or sexual abuse.

Some examples of different kinds of abuse are:

Physical Violence/Abuse:

  • grabbing or twisting arms/hands
  • physical restraint
  • hitting with object or fist
  • punching
  • kicking
  • biting or spitting
  • slapping
  • pushing
  • burns
  • throwing things
  • strangling/choking
  • depriving basic needs
  • scratching
  • pushing him/her out of car
  • use of weapon (knife, gun, bat)
  • animal cruelty
  • pulling/grabbing hair
  • pinching

Emotional and Psychological Abuse:

  • controlling whereabouts
  • isolation from friends/family
  • hiding belongings
  • making partner think s/he is crazy.
  • telling partner what to eat and how to dress.
  • humiliating partner alone or in front of others
  • blaming partner for everything that goes wrong.
  • excessive calling or “checking up” on
  • depriving sleep
  • intimidation
  • accusing of cheating
  • manipulation and lies.
  • threatening suicide
  • twisting words around
  • forcing partner to use drugs and alcohol.
  • destroying personal property/sentimental items
  • blackmail
  • stalking

Verbal Abuse:

  • put-downs/insults
  • name calling.
  • threats to harm partner or his/her family, friends, and/or pets
  • degrading personal remarks including sexual comments
  • using hostile tone of voice
  • obscene phone calls

Economic Abuse

  • keeping partner from getting or keeping a job
  • giving an allowance/ controlling all finances
  • not allowing access to money or credit cards
  • taking money for self and withholding money for family needs
  • making partner ask for money.
  • taking partner’s money

Sexual Abuse

  • unwanted touching
  • forcing sexual acts
  • using coercion/threats for sex
  • attacks on breasts, genitals
  • name calling such as “slut” or “whore.”
  • forcing victim to perform degrading sexual acts.
  • rape
  • forced prostitution.
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