Join Us for our annual EmpoweRun/Walk and Wine, Women and Shoes taking place May 2025

Educational Outreach

Empowering Youth: Prevention Education on Dating and Domestic Violence

A Safe Place’s interactive classroom programs provide teens with essential education on the dynamics of dating violence and domestic violence, helping them recognize unhealthy behaviors and offering tools to support peers in abusive situations.

Our Prevention Education Programs Focus on Key Topics:

  • Identifying Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships: Teens learn to recognize the signs of healthy relationships built on equality and respect, and identify unhealthy behaviors linked to control and manipulation.
  • Understanding Power and Control Dynamics: Students explore how power and control dynamics manifest in relationships and the impact they have on individuals.
  • Supporting Peers in Abusive Relationships: Teens gain the knowledge and skills to safely intervene and offer support to friends or peers who may be experiencing abuse.

Our prevention education sessions are tailored to be age-appropriate and responsive to the needs of middle and high school students. These programs are offered at no cost to youth groups; however, we gratefully accept donations of any kind to support our ongoing efforts.

For more information, please contact the Outreach Department
(847) 731-7165, ext. 1401

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